
Camfil has provided its filters to the Alto Garda (AG) Power co-generation power plant in Italy

Camfil has provided its Cam-Flo GT Hybrid F7 pocket air filters and CamGT 3V-600 E10 final EPA air filters to the Alto Garda (AG) Power co-generation power

The plant has high availability requirements (7900 hours/year) where it supplies electricity and steam to paper mills and district heating for the town of Riva del Garda.

To increase the performance of the 44 MW gas turbines, Camfil Power Systems was asked to optimise the existing filtration system and decrease the total filtration system pressure drop (dP) to achieve more power output for the same fuel consumption, an extended filter lifetime and higher engine protection and availability.

Following site surveys, the OEM and AG Power decided to upgrade the existing system to a 2-stage static filter solution. The system consists of two airtight filter banks holding the Cam-Flo GT Hybrid F7 pocket air filters and the CamGT 3V-600 E10 final EPA air filters. The new system ensures a low and stable dP under wet and humid conditions, longer filter lifetime and greater engine protection.

